15 April 2011

The advantages of identifying and understanding your...Spiritual Theme

Some people identify with a so called spiritual theme in a huge way. This is one of your themes that you leverage most in your spiritual journey, or on your spiritual pathway. It is very active in your faith life. No matter what religion or faith you belong to, you might identify with the spiritual world most through a specific one of your Top 5 themes.

In order to identify my possible Spiritual Theme, ask questions like the following:

• Through which one of my Top 5 talents do I connect with God the most?
• Is there a specific one of my themes that becomes very active whenever I practice my faith?
• With which one of my Top 5 themes do I feel most comfortable within spiritual or aith environments, like when I go to church?

Why it helps to understand my Spiritual Theme

Identifying the spiritual theme helps a lot especially if you are a spiritual person, or someone of faith. It then opens new understanding, not only about your own faith life, but also about your relationship with God.

FAQ’s on Spiritual Themes

• Can your Spiritual Theme change over time? - Yes, absolutely. It is part of your spiritual journey and could change with it.

• Could I have more than one Spiritual Theme? - Yes you could. Just be aware of the fact that there could be dynamics involved.

• Does everyone have a specific Spiritual Theme they could identify? - No not at all. When someone is coached one should be very sensitive with this theme, as it becomes very personal to people - just like the Guilt Theme might.

• Can my Spiritual Theme be the same as my Core or my Ignition or Relaxing Theme? - Yes it could.

• Are certain Talent themes more prone to be Spiritual themes than others? - Yes. The most common Spiritual Themes out there are themes like Connectedness, Belief, Relator, Intellection, Restorative, Harmony, Positivity, and either Context or Futuristic - although it could be any pother theme. Can you think why these themes are common?

PS - For more on the application of Strengths and Talents in a Faith based environment, read the book “Living Your Strengths” by Albert Winseman. (Gallup Press)

- By Dries Lombaard, C.E.O Africanmosaic

This concludes our series on different types of Talent Themes.

If you would like to be trained in these and other skills as a talent Guide, visit our website at www.africanmosaic.com

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