In order to identify my possible Spiritual Theme, ask questions like the following:
• Through which one of my Top 5 talents do I connect with God the most?
• Is there a specific one of my themes that becomes very active whenever I practice my faith?
• With which one of my Top 5 themes do I feel most comfortable within spiritual or aith environments, like when I go to church?
Why it helps to understand my Spiritual Theme
Identifying the spiritual theme helps a lot especially if you are a spiritual person, or someone of faith. It then opens new understanding, not only about your own faith life, but also about your relationship with God.
FAQ’s on Spiritual Themes
• Can your Spiritual Theme change over time? - Yes, absolutely. It is part of your spiritual journey and could change with it.
• Could I have more than one Spiritual Theme? - Yes you could. Just be aware of the fact that there could be dynamics involved.
• Does everyone have a specific Spiritual Theme they could identify? - No not at all. When someone is coached one should be very sensitive with this theme, as it becomes very personal to people - just like the Guilt Theme might.
• Can my Spiritual Theme be the same as my Core or my Ignition or Relaxing Theme? - Yes it could.
• Are certain Talent themes more prone to be Spiritual themes than others? - Yes. The most common Spiritual Themes out there are themes like Connectedness, Belief, Relator, Intellection, Restorative, Harmony, Positivity, and either Context or Futuristic - although it could be any pother theme. Can you think why these themes are common?
PS - For more on the application of Strengths and Talents in a Faith based environment, read the book “Living Your Strengths” by Albert Winseman. (Gallup Press)
- By Dries Lombaard, C.E.O Africanmosaic
This concludes our series on different types of Talent Themes.
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