Most of all, I am intrigued by how experienced leaders tap into their talents with relative ease... Not only in their Top 5 Themes. Leaders tap into their Top 10 Themes like most people do their Top 5. And even "deeper". This is also why I find it almost impossible to coach leaders on simply their Top 5 StrengthsFinder Reports. I need their Full 34 to really understand them, and add value to the conversation. You will never really impress a leader by simply confirming what they already knows are "floating on their surface". Leaders are deep-sea divers. They do not snorkel around the surface and admire the beauty. They like the pressure and excitement of going deeper.
One of the leaders that I coached a couple of weeks ago, had an interesting make up in his Top 10 Themes - mostly all very strong Influencing and Executing Themes. I could clearly pick it up in our conversation also. But then he mentioned to me that he finds it very strange that his Relational Themes aren't in his Top 10 at least, as he perceives himself as being very relational. As I did not know him at all, I could not confirm nor deny this. But I did notice that nearly all his themes from number 11 - 15 was relational in nature.
Later we had a Team session, and in the discussion the other members of the team also commented on the lack of relational themes in the Top 10 that did not make sense. I then suggested that, in his case, we add the next 5 themes and work with his Top 15 like we do with everybodys's Top 10. The moment I added the next 5 to the mix, everybody, including his face lit up. Affirmation and celebration entered the room.
Thing is: nobody denied the intensity of his Top 10 themes. No one wanted to take it away. But it was not complete until the next 5 - Relational Themes in this case - was added. Only then was his profile "complete".
I realised that day that some people really "dive deep" when they tap into their strengths. I do not find a mix of 15 often at all. Nearly never. But, like in this case, it is possible.
Talent dynamics cannot be contained and minimized. We are everyone much too unique.
And how cool is that.
[by Dries Lombaard, CEO Africanmosaic]
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