13 October 2010

Belief - Values that Endures

If you possess a strong Belief theme, you have certain core values that are enduring. These values vary from one person to another, but ordinarily your Belief theme causes you to be family–oriented, altruistic, even spiritual, and to value responsibility and high ethics — both in yourself and others.

These core values affect your behavior in many ways. They give your life meaning and satisfaction; in your view, success is more than money and prestige. They provide you with direction, guiding you through the temptations and distractions of life toward a consistent set of priorities.

This talent of Belief also causes you to see things as "black & white", either right or wrong. No gray areas. People with Belief don't see everything this way, but what they do see in black and white is clear, based on something easily articulated and unshakable.

It's helpful, when working with people embodying this strength, to understand the depth of this conviction. They tend to admire and appreciate people who also have strong convictions - even if they are the same convictions. People, who have the talent of Belief, tend to stand up for those things that they feel strongly about. This may cause friction in the office if they don’t agree with a value. People with Belief can be a valuable part of a team in this way. They're clear, consistent and act with passion about those things they do believe. Just as surely, they'll "check out" when that belief is not respected or supported. They can't work for something they don't believe in.

If you work with someone who has the talent of Belief, make sure that you understand that person’s values. More often than not we don’t know what our values are. Someone with the talent of Belief will feel strongly about things, but might not be aware of those things. They will become aware of it when the value is challenged. This then causes them to act, which sometimes can be seen as causing conflict. Find out what those values are. What do you consider to be important to you in your life?

What gives your life meaning? By identifying your values, you are able to pursue what matters, for you and the person with Belief. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Understanding each other’s values will result in clear expectations in your work environment.

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