When you think "strengths", you speak "strengths". You will have certain ways that would just seem normal within your interaction and conversation with others. The first, and probably foremost, of these, will be that you will naturally seek to identify and celebrate someones uniqueness and natural talents.
Celebrating others is something that comes natural to the "strengths-based-mind". As soon as you see someone living out their strengths, you will want to applaud them. You become such an advocate for the idea that one size does NOT fit all, that you just love it to see and experience a perfect fit!
A "strengths-based-attitude" will also naturally encourage others to do better, and to do more of what they find energizing. Natural talent is a beautiful thing to see in action!
I found that there are certain words or phrases that helps a lot to encourage the "language of strengths" amongst individuals or teams. Here are a few, just as example:
"Where did that idea / action / deed originate?"
With this phrase we are serious about learning more about somebodies talent themes, and how they function in practice.
"This is my [talent theme] working, but I was wondering how...."
Putting a specific reference to an action or idea, helps others to understand better where you are coming from, and how they can tap into your talent.
"I really need to give my [talent theme] some space here...
This encourages others to give you the freedom to use your theme to the best effect.
"May I tap into your [talent theme] with this issue / problem?"
People love it when you see the value of what their themes could offer, and make use of it!
Can you add any other phrases or examples of the "language of strengths" in action? Please share it!
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