Another awesome display was last December, on New Years Eve. We were on vacation at the sea, and at this specific little seaside town, a New Years Eve firework display is tradition for decades. The kids loved it, and so did everyone else.
The next morning I walked on the beach, and it was littered with burned out firework casings that fell down to the ground after it did it's job. That made me think....
Very often we approach new knowledge or new growth just like a firework display. We love the explosive energy behind it. The exciting array of colours and shapes keeps us fascinated. We cheer, and "ahhh!" at every explosion.
Then it ends. The casings fall down to earth. darkness takes over again. And we go home. We've got memories, but, we remain unchanged in every other aspect.
On the other hand, there is the phenomenon of a rocket launch. It could be a mission to the moon, or sending a new satellite into orbit. it also provides for an amazing display, with explosive energy. But there is a difference: once the launch is over, the real mission starts. It has a destination, and the launch is only the start. The success of the mission depends on a lot more that powerful rockets that launches it through the atmosphere.
We do the same with tools of development and knowledge. Mostly we use it as a firework display, something we talk a lot about for a while. but there is no real mission in it, and no destination....
Discovering your talents is very much the same. It could be a firework display, or a rocket launch. Turning talents into strengths involves a mission, and a destination. So, when we know that, the countdown is merely the beginning of something much more than a burst of explosive energy.
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