In a story in Parade, Lady Gaga explained that Tony Bennett “helped her through a troubling time when, she says, ‘I didn’t even want to sing anymore.’” Her problem was that she could no longer trust people around her. They wanted to make her into something she wasn’t. Gaga also explained that there was emotional impact. She said, "I was so sad. I couldn't sleep. I felt dead."So why am I writing this? Because in your career, you have to be you. Genuinely you.
You and I certainly don’t have the fame, or notoriety of Lady Gaga, but we can learn from her and others in the limelight.
She stayed true to herself, true to her voice, and through it, reinvented herself. And to reinvent herself, she needed to collaborate with a person she could totally trust. She found that person in 88-year old Tony Bennett.
And, to succeed in business, you need to collaborate with those you trust. You need to find the people who want you to succeed, and in turn, you want them to succeed.
A few years ago, I was working with an executive who kept negatively chiding me, and many of the “underlings.” And, that is the way this senior executive viewed the staff at the company – as underlings. After continued negativity, I realized I had to end the relationship. It was hard. I liked the work I was assigned helping the company communicate about interesting business trend issues. In fact, I was always learning. But, I could no longer give to the client. The pain was not worth the gain.
While Lady Gaga felt she could not sing anymore, for this company, I could not perform anymore either. But, unlike Lady Gaga, I did not have an endless bank account and could not just quit cold turkey.
I was lucky. I was able to set a plan and eventually found a replacement for the income. I took the energy I was putting into the company and directed it into finding something new.
Is my life perfect? The answer is “no.” And, that is certainly not a real expectation. I have days of failure and days of success. I have days where everything goes wrong, and days where everything “seemingly” goes right -- probably no different than most of us.
But, now in my work there is a difference. Without a cloud of negativity, I can perform better simply because I was able to quietly shed an executive who was stifling me.
And, being stifled is different than typical on-the-job frustrations. If you are stifled, as my title connotes, the life is being sucked out of you.So, how do you keep pumping the life back into your life? How do you have boundless energy?Take a tip from Tony Bennett. Tony’s reference is Duke Ellington who said, “Number one, don’t quit. Number two, listen to number one.”
So, while I am suggesting that you quit, or leave the people sucking the life out of you, look in the mirror to pump the life back into yourself.
Keep trying. Keep reinventing yourself. For that, we have many public role models.
One role model is Lady Gaga. Even at 28, Lady Gaga had to reinvent herself. She showed that she could transition from rock to jazz – and her new mentor, Tony Bennett, compared her to Ella Fitzgerald.”
Think of others who reinvented themselves:
George Foreman from boxer to grill master.
Suzanne Somers from actress to direct marketer extraordinaire.
Jack Welch from CEO to best selling author and management guru.
Suzanne Somers from actress to direct marketer extraordinaire.
Jack Welch from CEO to best selling author and management guru.
Think about Madonna who is a singer, songwriter, actress, dancer and businesswoman. Last month she was banned from BBC Radio1 for being old and irrelevant. The fact that she keeps pushing makes her relevant, and the ban will only make her more successful.
Inside all these examples, and inside you is the “little engine that could.” They are driven. Driven with passion, and driven by fear – a fear of failure. They keep chugging along.You may or may not like the examples I chose, but I trust you respect the resilience of these people.
Probably the most famous person who was open about fear of failure was the late Joan Rivers. She kept making and remaking herself – from comedian, to talk show host to Fashion Police. She stayed relevant. And, if you ever saw the 2010 documentary about her entitled, “A Piece of Work,” – she laid it on the line. Rivers said in a segment of the film holding up a blank page of her calendar, “You wanna see fear? Here’s fear!”
She was driven by her next booking, her next venue to always be relevant. And, she was until the very end.
So, if you have a boss sucking the life out of you, you are wasting your time. Find a way to get out. Find ways to start doing other things and volunteering so you engage with life. Things lead to things. And that is how to remake yourself.
But, number one don’t ever quit on yourself, and number two, listen to number one. (I think I heard that before).
This article was published on LinkedIn on 13 March 2015