But a talent on itself is quite meaningless unless you develop and manage it. That is why we believe that "a well managed talent becomes a strength, but a mismanaged talent becomes a detriment".
How do you manage the talent of Adaptability?
Very few people - even those with this talent - has a firm grip on it's management. Adaptability is misunderstood by many. The mere description of "Adaptability" and the words "go with the flow" makes most people believe that this talent theme is a bit "without strengths". More of a weakness. That is SO wrong.
A word that describes Adaptability much better, is the word "Responsiveness". This talent loves to respond - to the moment. Adaptability responds to the here and now. Therefor if you have this talent as a signature strength, you will be good at being responsive to challenges that is unplanned and kind of a surprise.
This is also why you most probably love pressure. Pressure energizes you, as pressure is a "here and now" thing. This might even be to the extent that you will create pressure for yourself. You do not like preplanned agendas. You do not prefer structure and predictability. You seek out the uncertainty of the moment, the chaos of the sudden changes and surprises. You are most probably very calm under stress and a crises. because then the pressure is on, you are energized and you can adapt or respond to the moment.
This is what "go with the flow' and "live in the moment" really means.
All of the above needs management. The first mismanagement of the Adaptability talent is procrastination. You are very likely to leave things until the last moment before you respond to it. This is your need for the moment and the pressure that causes it. In itself, procrastination need not be seen as a weakness as the world sees it. If well managed, you can procrastinate very productively and effectively. But you do create pressure that way - not only on yourself, but especially on those around you. Most people need to plan and be certain. The fact that you are more comfortable to leave things until the very end, means that you weaken those around you - especially if they need planning and structure, for instance the Talent of Discipline. You should keep it in mind. It is not only about you, it is about the effect of your talent on others. And if the mismanagement of your talent weakens those around you, you should give it more attention and manage it better for their sake.
Make peace with the fact that planning and structure is mostly the way of the world, and very needed by most. You should align with it. If others need you to plan, rather tap into their talents to help you do it. You will most probably always have trouble working that plan, but just be aware of the fact that, especially when in relationships, a team or a family, your Adaptability needs to keep others in mind and respect them.
Secondly, you must realize that the Adaptability talent may seem pretty "chaotic" to others. They might perceive you as someone who is not in control, and do not have a plan or purpose at all. This is not necessarily true at all. So you need to explain your actions to others. You should also "plan not to plan". This means that you should at least prioritize your actions. You should think about what can be left until when, and who needs action from you. The fact is that you are pretty darn good at "winging" it. You can make things up in the moment. But do not over do this strength. Use your other talent themes to make up for this.
By now you should pick up that a recurring management skill of all talents, is that you communicate the essence and the effect of the talent to others. This will create both appreciation and understanding. But you should also listen to the needs of others. Adaptability has a strong outward implication when mismanaged. It has a definite effect on people and things around you. Be aware of this and manage around it.
Thirdly, develop the insight and the skill to hold back on Adaptability when needed, but also to give it room to function and be free. There are areas and roles in which a talent like Adaptability is very much needed and appreciated. Any role in which change is a constant, or where there is pressure and constant surprises that cannot be planned for or even predicted, is an area where Adaptability will flourish. Create those spaces for yourself. Your Adaptability will develop, you will be energized and people will benefit from this amazing talent of yours.
Go for it!
- by Dries Lombaard, founder and owner of Africanmosaic and TALENTmosaic.
Important note when reading this: in this series, I simply focus on the specific talent in isolation. I do not take the crucial element of Talent Dynamics (two or more talent themes combining) into consideration. This is very important as any Coach should take that into consideration when coaching people in their talents. But you need to understand the challenges that the talent theme on its own might hold. Therefor the challenges in managing the talent as explained below might not be applicable to everyone, as the dynamics with some of their other talent themes might override the specific challenge and "make up for it". But, knowledge of the most common management challenges in every talent theme still is crucial in talent development and when turning the talent into a strength.
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www.africanmosaic.com and www.talentmosaic.net
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