According to Gallup, the essence of the talent theme of Ideation is the following:

But a talent on itself is quite meaningless unless you develop and manage it. That is why we believe that "a well managed talent becomes a strength, but a mismanaged talent becomes a detriment".
How do you manage the talent of Ideation?
First, when looking at talent management, it is important (with any talent), to understand the very essence of this talents functioning and impact. The essence of Ideation is obviously ideas. But not just any ideas.... mostly fresh, new and creative ideas. They just seem to wash over you like a wave. Some of these ideas is pretty darn good....and others you will just shake your head and smile, and then brush them aside.
And this forms the first important aspect of managing your Ideation talent: be honest and real about how good and practical the specific idea is. Don't be fooled by thinking that just because you had an idea, it will change the world or make you rich. Not true. Not all ideas will make a difference or even be practical in any way. This is part of your creativity, and is not a bad thing. Remember that often one idea leads to another, and more than one idea can integrate to eventually form a new idea that might just be the difference between winning and losing! So do not kill your 'bad" ideas. Just don't be fooled by thinking that every idea is a game changer. Back the ideas that is worth the time, effort and money.
Have trusted advisers. The best way is to have one or more people that you know will be open and honest to listen to your ideas and give you a practical response towards the chances of that idea flying. Don't be sensitive if someone is critical. Listen to them. But make sure you trust the right people with this. Most ideas needs risk to fly, and sometimes the problem lies not in the idea in itself, but in the risk-factor. You and your advisor(s) must understand this, and evaluate it accordingly. But, someone with strong Ideation should always have a soundboard where they can bounce their ideas from.
The second aspect that mostly impacts you when having Ideation as a talent, and that you need to manage well, is the fact that the point of Ideation as a talent lies in having the idea itself. The point of it lies not in the fact that you actually do something about it, or put it to action.You will find that the satisfaction and energy that comes from Ideation as a talent comes not from turning ideas into action, but it lies in simply having the idea. Very often, not even sharing it! In this manner many great ideas does not materialize, or, even worse, you end up seeing someone else turning it into action, and getting the benefit from it. This might cause the Ideation talent not to be of practical use to you or anyone. You must manage this characteristic.
Partner with people who have specific talents and strengths in turning ideas into action, and share your ideas with them. Here specific talent themes like Activator, Strategic, Achiever, Maximizer and Self Assurance might be very useful, to name a few. Just as you need to bounce your ideas off others, you might need others to take your ideas to the next level of practical application. Again, make sure you trust these people, as you might just find that someone else might "steal" your brilliant idea! But a strong and trusted partnering of Ideation with talents that turns it into action is a tremendous important aspect of managing your Ideation.
A third aspect that might need management when Ideation is in play, is the fact that it tends to make you live inside your head. What you think, is as real to you as what others might see, touch or feel. Although this is true of other "Thinking Themes" also, it could ask for very strong management when it comes to Ideation. You must understand that others do not see the big idea as you see it. They cannot touch it, feel it or experience it as you can inside your head. This might cause frustration to both yourself and others. They might find you aloof and think you are a dreamer. You might find them clueless. You must manage the world inside your head by understanding that it is inside your head, and that it is inside your head.
Communication is the key towards managing this aspect. You need to paint a picture of your idea(s) to others in a way that they will understand. You need to be very clear and precise. They cannot sense it. The best way to communicate your ideas is also not the same to everyone. Some can articulate it very well verbally. Others need to write it down. Some even needs to draw pictures. Whatever your way of getting the idea over to others, you must have the discipline to do it and do it well. They cannot see inside your mind, where your Ideation lives. Practice it with people who understands you well.
Although there are many other challenges towards managing the talent of Ideation, the three aspects above is very common and features strongly with this talent.
If you have Ideation as a talent, you might want to share some of your specific challenges, or elaborate one the ones mentioned above. Maybe you work or live with someone who has this talent, and you are on the receiving end of miss-managed Ideation. Please share it with us.
- by Dries Lombaard, founder and owner of Africanmosaic.
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Ideas often get birthed in a "raw" format. How can many such initial ideas be nurtured so that they can grow and mature into solid conceptual frameworks?
ReplyDeleteGreat question Rudolf.
DeleteThe "rawness" of ideas is very often a frustration that hinders the idea from being realized - or even mentioned.
Again, the best way is to get help. There are people especially talented in ways to take raw ideas and turn them into practice. I mentioned some in the post, like Activator - a very strong one. But you must never focus on simply one other talent, rather see people the way you know them and the way they operate, and it will be clear to you who can be of help in this regard.
But what if you do not have someone like that available? Then I think you should try to get the "fuzzyness" out of the idea by simple methods of analyzing it, and jotting down the strengths and weaknesses of the idea. A simple "SWOT" analysis can help with this also.
Writing down (or discussing with someone) the aspects that keeps the idea from flying will help a lot. Some of us are conceptual, and others more practical. We need to take concepts into practical reality.
Bottom line is: we can only go so far on our own. Real strength and success always lies in strong relationships and partnerships or teamwork. So, my main advice will still be: get next to people strong on activating talents, and trust them to help you get your ideas grow to maturity.
PS - remember that many ideas are linked to good timing. Sometimes the idea in itself is not the problem. It is the timing that is not right for an idea to mature...
Dear Dries, you emphasising teamwork for ideation individuals working together with others. Phil Cooke(2011) claimed that technology, globalization, media, and culture have become so complex, that no single person can actually reach the highest level of achievement, but that individuals have to work as a team to achieve anything of significance.
DeleteStrategic leaders who want to make impact should gather a strategic team around them. This team will need to think strategically, having appropriate information, a suitable range of perspectives, and suitable competencies to digest the information. The team will act strategically by balancing short- and long-term priorities, making good decisions with suitable information, and handling mistakes well together. Also the team will influence strategically by influencing each other, influencing the wider organization, and by allowing other individuals to influence them. With such a strategic team the leaders themselves will be able to have strategic impact.
How does your experience with strength-based leadership show you that such teamwork might also be applicable for other talents beyond "ideation"?
Cooke, P. (2011). Jolt! Get the jump on a world that’s constantly changing. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson.
Its applicable on ALL talents Rudolf.
ReplyDeleteAt Talentmosaic we believe that there is no such thing as well-rounded individuals - only well-rounded teams. This is why we always take individual coaching to a next level within Team Coaching and other-awareness.
You are just as strong as the people next to you. And your talents are great - but incomplete if you want to achieve success, no matter what you do....