28 September 2012

Managing your Talents [2] - Futuristic

Important note when reading this in this series, I simply focus on the specific talent in isolation.  I do not take the crucial element of Talent Dynamics (two or more talent themes combining) into consideration.  This  is very important as any Coach should take that into consideration when coaching people in their talents. But you need to understand the challenges that the talent theme on its own might hold.  Therefor the challenges in managing the talent as explained below might not be applicable to everyone, as the dynamics with some of their other talent themes might override the specific challenge and "make up for it".  But, knowledge of the most common management challenges in every talent theme still is crucial in talent development and when turning the talent into a strength.

According to Gallup, the essence of the talent theme of Futuristic is the following:

“Wouldn’t it be great if . . .” You are the kind of person who loves to peer over the horizon. The future fascinates you. As if it were projected on the wall, you see in detail what the future might hold, and this detailed picture keeps pulling you forward, into tomorrow. While the exact content of the picture will depend on your other strengths and interests — a better product, a better team, a better life, or a better world — it will always be inspirational to you. You are a dreamer who sees visions of what could be and who cherishes those visions. When the present proves too frustrating and the people around you too pragmatic, you conjure up your visions of the future and they energize you. They can energize others, too. In fact, very often people look to you to describe your visions of the future. They want a picture that can raise their sights and thereby their spirits. You can paint it for them. Practice. Choose your words carefully. Make the picture as vivid as possible. People will want to latch on to the hope you bring.

But a talent on itself is quite meaningless unless you develop and manage it. That is why we believe that "a well managed talent becomes a strength, but a mismanaged talent becomes a detriment".

How do you manage the talent of Futuristic?

The essence of Futuristic is the way this talent theme "draws you into the future".  You live in the future, so to speak.  To your Futuristic, today only has meaning because it leads to tomorrow.  And yesterday is but a vague memory.

This leads to the first important aspect of managing your Futuristic talent: understand that this talent determines your worldview.  It colours the way you perceive the world, and everything in it. You find meaning within the fact that you look forward with expectation and hope. Your vision is what energises you. But you must understand that it is not "normal" to everyone. Most people do not look at everything with possibility and hope as you do.  Most people are living in the "now", and some even in the past.  Your future-thinking ability therefor might impact the way you think, the way you feel and the way you behave in a very strong way.  And this must be managed...exactly because not everyone operates in this forward-looking manner, like your Futuristic does.

This might sound simple, but one of the best ways to manage your worldview is to acknowledge and understand how it functions.  To accept that you are a future-thinker is crucial.  You will be temped to project your worldview on others, but you must understand that you are in many ways visionary.  You "see" tomorrow.  Do not expect others to see it also.  You are drawn towards things that is not "real' yet.  Accept that others need reality to understand things. You want to plan far ahead. Accept that others might be intimidated by this.  You experience the future as if it is real.  People might think it's crazy!  Accept it. Don't project or push it onto others. The future might be yours...but they need to wait for it.

A second aspect of Futuristic, is how real you might perceive things that has NOT happened yet.  And that is exactly what you need to manage:  reality is the future is not here yet.    A dream, a plan or a vision might be so clear and so real to you, that you might sometimes lose reality about it.  You might be unrealistic.  You might even act as if it has materialized already....if it is a done deal.  This might cause frustration to others, but it might just as well land you in the hot water.  You might communicate things to others as if it is a fact or a reality - because to your Futuristic planning it is - when in real life a lot still has to happen, and it might just as well turn out differently.  Then you sit with the red face.  Others might even experience you as deceitful in this regard, when it is not in the least your intention!  Be careful.  Manage your talent well.

Communicate "outside' of your futuristic perspective.  Use clear terms to indicate that what you see, feel or experience is NOT real yet.  That it is to come. And - be sure to acknowledge that it might well change and you accept it that way.  The word "might" will make a huge difference, instead of the word "is". The words "I foresee" or "I plan" might be a very clear way of expressing your true meaning to those who do not have your future-thinking ability. And, also, be big enough to acknowledge when things turn out differently - as it sometimes will - because nobody but God can foresee the future.

Third: something that many visionaries struggle with... The fact that you might lose energy and speed the moment that the future becomes the present.  The moment you wake up and realize that the dream or vision you had is now here, you lose focus.  And you jump ahead towards the next dream or vision!  This happens in many different contexts.  Some future-thinkers are, for instance, much more excited by the strategic planning phase than they are by the actual implementation phase.  You might even find that you enjoy planning and dreaming about an upcoming vacation more than you actually enjoy being on vacation....because then you are actually back at work (in the future) again.  This fact might not only frustrate those around you, but it may also cause you to be not as productive as you can be in the moment - and every job or part of life requires us to also be engaged in the here-and-now.  You need to manage this future-tendency well.  Not kill it.  Manage it!

First understand that the above tendency is absolutely normal. For you.  But also realize that you need to take the present demands into account.
Apart from drawing on some of your other talent themes that is more engaged with the present reality, also seek out people you can partner up with that is very good and focused on the moment. Use your Futuristic to envision them about where you are going, but then trust them, and delegate to them, so that the present demands can be met. Some talent themes that is very good in the moment is Activator, Adaptability, Discipline and Responsibility - to name a few.  Seek out people strong in these talents. Work with them, as they might well appreciate your future-thinking also to give them direction and goal.

If you have Futuristic as a talent, you might want to share some of your specific challenges, or elaborate one the ones mentioned above.  Maybe you work or live with someone who has this talent, and you are on the receiving end of miss-managed Futuristic, or want to share the joy of a well-managed Futuristic!  Please share it with us.

- by Dries Lombaard, founder and owner of Africanmosaic.

Visit our websites:  
www.africanmosaic.com and www.talentmosaic.net

26 September 2012

Managing your Talents [1] - Ideation

Important note when reading this in this series, I simply focus on the specific talent in isolation.  I do not take the crucial element of Talent Dynamics (two or more talent themes combining) into consideration.  This  is very important as any Coach should take that into consideration when coaching people in their talents. But you need to understand the challenges that the talent theme on its own might hold.  Therefor the challenges in managing the talent as explained below might not be applicable to everyone, as the dynamics with some of their other talent themes might override the specific challenge and "make up for it".  But, knowledge of the most common management challenges in every talent theme still is crucial in talent development and when turning the talent into a strength.

According to Gallup, the essence of the talent theme of Ideation is the following:

You are fascinated by ideas. What is an idea? An idea is a concept, the best explanation of the most events. You are delighted when you discover beneath the complex surface an elegantly simple concept to explain why things are the way they are. An idea is a connection. Yours is the kind of mind that is always looking for connections, and so you are intrigued when seemingly disparate phenomena can be linked by an obscure connection. An idea is a new perspective on familiar challenges. You revel in taking the world we all know and turning it around so we can view it from a strange but strangely enlightening angle. You love all these ideas because they are profound, because they are novel, because they are clarifying, because they are contrary, because they are bizarre. For all these reasons you derive a jolt of energy whenever a new idea occurs to you. Others may label you creative or original or conceptual or even smart. Perhaps you are all of these. Who can be sure? What you are sure of is that ideas are thrilling. And on most days this is enough.

But a talent on itself is quite meaningless unless you develop and manage it. That is why we believe that "a well managed talent becomes a strength, but a mismanaged talent becomes a detriment".

How do you manage the talent of Ideation?

First, when looking at talent management, it is important (with any talent), to understand the very essence of this talents functioning and impact. The essence of Ideation is obviously ideas.  But not just any ideas.... mostly fresh, new and creative ideas. They just seem to wash over you like a wave. Some of these ideas is pretty darn good....and others you will just shake your head and smile, and then brush them aside.

And this forms the first important aspect of managing your Ideation talent: be honest and real about how good and practical the specific idea is.  Don't be fooled by thinking that just because you had an idea, it will change the world or make you rich. Not true. Not all ideas will make a difference or even be practical in any way.  This is part of your creativity, and is not a bad thing.  Remember that often one idea leads to another, and more than one idea can integrate to eventually form a new idea that might just be the difference between winning and losing! So do not kill your 'bad" ideas.  Just don't be fooled by thinking that every idea is a game changer.  Back the ideas that is worth the time, effort and money.

Have trusted advisers. The best way is to have one or more people that you know will be open and honest to listen to your ideas and give you a practical response towards the chances of that idea flying.  Don't be sensitive if someone is critical.  Listen to them.  But make sure you trust the right people with this.  Most ideas needs risk to fly, and sometimes the problem lies not in the idea in itself, but in the risk-factor. You and your advisor(s) must understand this, and evaluate it accordingly. But, someone with strong Ideation should always have a soundboard where they can bounce their ideas from.

The second aspect that mostly impacts you when having Ideation as a talent, and that you need to manage well, is the fact that the point of Ideation as a talent lies in having the idea itself. The point of it lies not in the fact that you actually do something about it, or put it to action.You will find that the satisfaction and energy that comes from Ideation as a talent comes not from turning ideas into action, but it lies in simply having the idea.  Very often, not even sharing it!  In this manner many great ideas does not materialize, or, even worse, you end up seeing someone else turning it into action, and getting the benefit from it. This might cause the Ideation talent not to be of practical use to you or anyone. You must manage this characteristic.

Partner with people who have specific talents and strengths in turning ideas into action, and share your ideas with them. Here specific talent themes like Activator, Strategic, Achiever, Maximizer and Self Assurance might be very useful, to name a few.  Just as you need to bounce your ideas off others, you might need others to take your ideas to the next level of practical application.  Again, make sure you trust these people, as you might just find that someone else might "steal" your brilliant idea! But a strong and trusted partnering of Ideation with talents that turns it into action is a tremendous important aspect of managing your Ideation.

A third aspect that might need management when Ideation is in play, is the fact that it tends to make you live inside your head. What you think, is as real to you as what others might see, touch or feel. Although this is true of other "Thinking Themes" also, it could ask for very strong management when it comes to Ideation.  You must understand that others do not see the big idea as you see it.  They cannot touch it, feel it or experience it as you can inside your head.  This might cause frustration to both yourself and others.  They might find you aloof and think you are a dreamer.  You might find them clueless.  You must manage the world inside your head by understanding that it is inside your head, and that it is inside your head.

Communication is the key towards managing this aspect. You need to paint a picture of your idea(s) to others in a way that they will understand.  You need to be very clear and precise.  They cannot sense it.  The best way to communicate your ideas is also not the same to everyone.  Some can articulate it very well verbally.  Others need to write it down.  Some even needs to draw pictures. Whatever your way of getting the idea over to others, you must have the discipline to do it and do it well.  They cannot see inside your mind, where your Ideation lives.  Practice it with people who understands you well.

Although there are many other challenges towards managing the talent of Ideation, the three aspects above is very common and features strongly with this talent.

If you have Ideation as a talent, you might want to share some of your specific challenges, or elaborate one the ones mentioned above.  Maybe you work or live with someone who has this talent, and you are on the receiving end of miss-managed Ideation.  Please share it with us.

- by Dries Lombaard, founder and owner of Africanmosaic.

Visit our websites:  
www.africanmosaic.com and www.talentmosaic.net 

19 September 2012

Building Strengths Accelerates Company Engagement

This article was published in the Gallup Management Journal on 12 September 2012.

It is a must read for anyone taking Strengths and Company Engagement seriously.

To read, click here.

Visit our NEW Website at www.talentmosaic.net