16 February 2011

Why doing the work about work better, is actually not working at all

Here is the average statistics on our daily productivity.

For 20% of the time, we're doing the work that matters - great work that's original in nature, and might just actually make a difference in the world. For the remaining 80% of the time, we're generating work noise. Work noise is busyness tasks that's related to the creative effort, but that isn't creative in itself.

For most of the time, we're actually doing work about work.

Since we realised this, we've been trying to be more productive by doing the work about work better. We're trying to get the noise out of the way as quickly as possible, so as to get on with the stuff that matters.

The only problem with this is that we're still scared to make the hard choices that will genuinely make us more productive. Working better is not the challenge, because when you're actually working you're doing fine. Its also not working faster, or working more effective.

The answer simply lies in doing less work about work, and more of the actual work that matters.

The idea isn't to have more streamlined meetings, but less meetings. Is not about being more effective at sending email, but about sending less email. Its not about being faster at generating agendas, reports, feedbacks and briefings, is about eliminating them altogether.

The point isn't to talk louder or faster about work, but for once to keep our mouths shut and actually do the work. The problem is not us becoming better at what we do every day, its about us focusing on doing altogether something different.

You only have this time given you to make a dent. Why spend it on better managing the noise?

Rather eliminate the friction, reclaim clarity and focus, and do great work.

By Mynhardt van Pletsen

Mynhardt van Pletsen is a Creative Artist and Media Specialist from Pretoria, SA

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