16 February 2011

Why doing the work about work better, is actually not working at all

Here is the average statistics on our daily productivity.

For 20% of the time, we're doing the work that matters - great work that's original in nature, and might just actually make a difference in the world. For the remaining 80% of the time, we're generating work noise. Work noise is busyness tasks that's related to the creative effort, but that isn't creative in itself.

For most of the time, we're actually doing work about work.

Since we realised this, we've been trying to be more productive by doing the work about work better. We're trying to get the noise out of the way as quickly as possible, so as to get on with the stuff that matters.

The only problem with this is that we're still scared to make the hard choices that will genuinely make us more productive. Working better is not the challenge, because when you're actually working you're doing fine. Its also not working faster, or working more effective.

The answer simply lies in doing less work about work, and more of the actual work that matters.

The idea isn't to have more streamlined meetings, but less meetings. Is not about being more effective at sending email, but about sending less email. Its not about being faster at generating agendas, reports, feedbacks and briefings, is about eliminating them altogether.

The point isn't to talk louder or faster about work, but for once to keep our mouths shut and actually do the work. The problem is not us becoming better at what we do every day, its about us focusing on doing altogether something different.

You only have this time given you to make a dent. Why spend it on better managing the noise?

Rather eliminate the friction, reclaim clarity and focus, and do great work.

By Mynhardt van Pletsen

Mynhardt van Pletsen is a Creative Artist and Media Specialist from Pretoria, SA

09 February 2011

The Six Habits of a Talent Magnet

By Tsun-yan Hsieh with Anthony Tjan (as posted on http://blogs.hbr.org/tjan/2011/01/the-six-habits-of-a-talent-mag.html )

Talent is the make-or-break issue for business success. Few great entrepreneurs and CEOs of our acquaintance would contest that statement. If you are a leader who's serious about improving your capacity to attract the best talent, you need to develop the habits of a true talent magnet. From our research and experience with numerous CEOs and entrepreneurs, we've identified six:

1. Get to know the most talented individuals early on, when you don't need them. Can you name the best one or two people for each of the critical positions in your industry? If you can't, start by attending industry meetings and asking the right questions. If at all possible, begin socializing with the best individuals across particular disciplines. Who are they really as people, versus what they do for a living? What interests them, excites them, drives them? The very best time to get to know people is when you don't need to hire them now. If you don't establish a relationship first, chances are you will end up paying top dollar to get them — and even if they sign up, you may have trouble retaining them.

2. Create and manage the right expectations. Most entrepreneurs and business builders oversell the excitement of their entrepreneurial opportunity and/or the institution, and undersell themselves. The most talented people are attracted to leaders whom they can trust and role models they want to emulate. Thus, ask yourself the question: "Why would any real talent want to work for me?" Paying top dollar is never a good enough reason for the best talent to join and stay with you. Promising room to stretch and rapid advancement have also become par for the course. To break out of the pack, you've got to look within yourself for the real leader whom they want to follow. It could be your courage to stand by your values, your reputation as a gifted teacher, or your soft power to bring opposites together. Then, set clear expectations from Day One of what you are willing to do to help them learn from you that they can't learn from anyone else, and what you expect them to do to succeed in this apprenticeship.

3. Look at their hearts — and not just their smarts. The average resume is long on accomplishments and qualifications, and short on purpose and passion. Which is fine if you're merely in search of technical skills. Yet in situations where you expect people to step up to uncertainty — to do unprecedented things and deliver breakthrough results — you need to focus on candidates' motivation, values and purpose. Leadership defines itself when you are looking for people to change the game — and not just to improve a company's performance (otherwise managers with sound skills would suffice).

4. Cultivate them over time. The best talent is almost always occupied (otherwise they wouldn't be the best). Luck is essential to business-building success, yet leaders cannot expect ideal candidates to be ready, waiting, and available every time they need great talent. Our recommendation: cultivate the best talent you can, and keep these individuals apprised of your work, purpose and ongoing mission. Let them know who you are as a person. Best talents have lots of options. Don't be surprised when they say 'no' to you. Never give up. Keep coming back over a number of years and when these talents are finally ready to move and know how you are different, they will come to you.

5. On-board them thoughtfully. We're frequently amazed by how carelessly and unsuccessfully many leaders transition new talent into a new milieu. In a complex organization, or unfamiliar context, "Sink or swim" is a perilous strategy. New talent wants to succeed. Invest from the start in making sure this happens, and you will soon find yourself surrounded by loyal followers.

6. Mentor them for their success. Being a mentor involves more than giving constructive feedback and avuncular advice. Mentoring is a journey based on mutual commitment to discovery and learning. Your primary reward is another person's success. Real talent can intuit when you're only interested in what they can do for you — and as soon as they find greener pastures, they'll leave.

How well do you stack up against these six dimensions? Again, engaging and retaining real talent is the most critical factor to your success — which is why the real test ultimately lies with your best talent today. Ask them what they think. Our guess is their answers will help you uncover personal and professional truths that will help transform you into an even better leader.

Visit our Website at www.africanmosaic.com

04 February 2011

Getting clear on Talents and Values

by Dries Lombaard

Values reflect a person’s sense of right and wrong or what “ought” to be. “Equal rights for all” and “People should be treated with respect and dignity” are representative of values. Values tend to influence attitudes and behavior.

For example, if you value equal rights for all and you go to work for an organization that treats its managers much better than it does its workers, you may form the attitude that the company is an unfair place to work; consequently, you may not produce well or may perhaps leave the company. It is likely that if the company had had a more egalitarian policy, your attitude and behaviors would have been more positive. (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_(personal_and_cultural ).

Every talent indicates a set of underlying values and beliefs. 

For example, someone with the talent theme of Relator assumes loyalty and trust as some of his/her values. The talent theme gives us clues as to what a person could value most. Because values causes behavior, it is very important that we get clear on what we value.

If we say we value respect, it could mean that I respect others and I also expect others to respect me. But what does respect look like? What BEHAVIOR would I expect that shows me that you respect me, or that I respect you? Because respect can have different meanings for different age groups, culture groups, etc.

To get clear in your communication and expectations with others, look at your talents. Which values are important to you, based on your values? Ask yourself: what types of behaviors fit those values? How can you show me that it is a value for you too?

Someone with the talent of Achiever, values hard work. But what does hard work mean and what does it look like? Does it mean you have to work a 18-hour day? Or does it mean that you work smart and get everything done within 8 hours of work?


Someone with the talent of Belief values unselfishness. Does unselfishness mean taking a lower salary to provide scope for others? Or does unselfishness mean that you give your last clothes away so the mother next to the road can provide warmth for her child? What behavior fits this value, in YOUR opinion?

BOTTOM LINE: Getting clear on your talents, what values it ignites in you and what behaviors fits those values, will make you a better collaborator, colleague or leader!

Dries Lombaard is the co-owner of Strengths Institute South Africa, and has more than 7000 hours of Strengths Coaching experience over the last decade.  He is leading a vibrant and growing network of Strengths Coaches in Southern Africa, and works with corporate and multinational leadership and management teams and C-level leaders as a Strengths Coach and training facilitator.