05 September 2010

Misunderstanding Talents - "Empathy"

The Talent Theme of "Empathy" is directly linked to the two words: "feeling emotions". People with this talent theme explain that they can sense and feel the emotions of other people. Sometimes this feeling of emotions is literally physical to them. It hurts them to feel the pain of others.

But "Empathy" is often misunderstood as being too soft or too emotional. This is not necessarily the case at all. Remember that talent themes is all about the management of it. So, yes - a mismanaged talent theme of "empathy" could lead to someone being very emotional. But again, one must not tag someone with empathy in this way.

People with Empathy are extremely good within both one on one individual and within group or team situations. They often seem to be a lot more emotionally intelligent than the rest. It is exactly because they can sense emotions so well.

If you know someone with this theme, celebrate it! It is an awesome ability.

This concludes out series on "Misunderstanding Talents."

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1 comment:

  1. This has been a most useful list, esp when talking about Guilt themes... I'd like to see this continue to eventually cover all 34 themes. Thanx for the resource.


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