"Adaptability" is often simplified to the literal meaning of the word - that you are adaptable. This is true, but there is much more to it. People with "Adaptability" as a talent theme can adapt to sudden changes, but it does not mean that they necessarily prefers adapting. It also does not mean that they cannot stick to a plan or to a structure.
In essence "Adaptability" also means "flexible" - and that is essencial. But one of the major observations of someone with this talent theme, is that they can handle pressure. Often, not only can they handle pressure, and react to it, but they seem to prefer pressure! In some cases they even create their own pressure by procrastinating, simply because they aren't so effective (or energized) when the pressure is not high.
You will observe that someone with the talent theme of "Adaptability" seem to become very calm when the heat gets turned on. They do not panic or get rattled - the simply adapt. Therefor another word to describe "Adaptability" well, is the word "responsiveness". These people can respond to a moment, a challenge, a crisis or a situation - with energy and ease.
This also cause them to prefer being involved in numerous projects, jobs or challenges at once - it turns the pressure on - and they can then respond often!
So, when you come across someone with this theme high in their mix, know that you can trust them to respond and to perform - but in the moment. Not before - not after. They are the "bring it on" types...!
(next time: How we misunderstand the "Command" Talent theme...)
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