Chances are that you then have a colleague with the "Command" talent theme high in their talent mix. This theme makes people speak their mind. Always. Direct. They need to be in control.
Too often we misunderstand this theme's dynamic in action. Of course it could be mismanaged (just like any other theme), and character issues could well cause the person to be rude and arrogant. But all too often we label a person as being arrogant or rude or insensitive when they do not in the least intend to be. They simply say itlike it is, and step up to the challenge.
"Command" is about stepping up and taking control. It is a highly assertive and executing talent theme. Someone with this theme will engage in a conflict situation with ease - often even generating conflict and deriving energy out of it. They need to be in control for a reason - the are very sure that they could add value and lead in the right direction. They are very sure of themselves and would want to "make a mark" in a situation or challenge.
Misunderstanding this theme could remove someone from a team or project who is very needed, simply because they prefer to take on the strong wind directly in their faces. Every team needs such a person.
Your understanding of this theme will assure that you or your team are not offended by their directness or arrogant image. You will not back off when they challenge, but will take them on because you understand that it will bring out the best in them.
Still, you will also build up a trust with such a person that gives you the opportunity and the right to tell them - to their face - when the sometime ARE rude, arrogant or insensitive. They will take it, when it comes with facts and foundation.
With someone in your team having the "command" theme high, you can go to war. But misunderstanding it, will be like constantly declaring war...
Next time: Misunderstanding "Deliberative"
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