A friend of mine has a new puppy. He’s adorable, as puppies tend to be. He’s also a terror — as puppies tend to be. Jumping, barking, chewing shoes — you name it, he’s doing it.
My friend read every dog training book she could find. She took her pup to a training class. Her house is full of toys and every training gadget in the store. But the dog’s behavior is still, shall we say, less than ideal.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with him,” she recently said to me as the puppy jumped all over me.
Once I extricated myself, I started asking questions. "What did the trainer say to do when he did this?" She told me the process. “Are you doing that?” I asked (although I knew the answer, from recent experience).
“Well, no,” she admitted. “But he’s just a puppy! All puppies jump.”
It's easy to hear other people’s stories and find the error in their ways. Of course this dog wasn’t behaving! She isn’t being consistent! She’s not following the trainer’s advice! She’s not practicing with him!
But think for a moment how often we do this with our own behavior. We read the book, we go the class, we buy the gizmos. We gather all the info and learn all the techniques. And then we put it all on the shelf and go back to business as usual.
Putting Self-Awareness To Work
In working with clients on their emotional intelligence, I see this phenomenon often. Typically, the disconnect comes between self-awareness and self-regulation. A client will do the hard work of developing self-awareness: recognizing the way they appear to others, learning their triggers, naming their emotions and identifying patterns in their reactions. All good stuff.
Then we get to self-regulation. This is where we put our new self-awareness knowledge to work. Self-regulation involves managing your emotions, your reactions, your impulses. It means recognizing your triggers and changing the way you react. It means practicing self-control, adapting to new situations, striving to improve, and remaining persistent even when faced with setbacks.
Self-awareness is only helpful when you take that knowledge and act on it. That doesn’t mean just informing people around you about your triggers and tendencies and expecting them to work around you. It means using your developing self-awareness to identify and change those behaviors and tendencies that aren’t serving you well.
Psychologist Daniel Goleman, the "father" of emotional intelligence, calls self-regulation “the quality of emotional intelligence that liberates us from living like hostages to our impulses.” That may sound dramatic, but there's a growing body of evidence to support self-regulation’s critical role in success and leadership.
Ronald E. Riggio and Rebecca J. Reichard of Kravis Leadership Institute, at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, Calif. use the term "emotional control," but the meaning is the same: “Leader emotional control is positively associated with leader impression management and effective leadership under stress.” The Annual Review of Psychology identifies inhibitory control and self-control as core "executive functions," which it defines as “skills essential for mental and physical health; success in school and in life; and cognitive, social, and psychological development.”
What does that mean in your daily life? It means that you will be a more effective and impactful spouse, parent, friend, employee and manager if you can control your emotional responses to situations and consistently communicate and behave in a way that is consistent with your goals and values.
Four Steps To Developing Self-Regulation
Acknowledging self-regulation’s importance is one thing. Implementing it in your life is another. If you’re looking for concrete ways to work on this for yourself, here are some ideas:
• Identify alternative responses to triggers. Look back at your list of triggers. For each trigger, write down your usual emotional response and its implications. For example, being interrupted when you’re working may be a trigger. Your usual response might be to feel frustrated and annoyed and then snap at the person who is interrupting you. Then, afterward, you feel guilty and have difficulty getting back to concentrating on your work. Now identify an alternative response. Be specific; list practical behaviors you can use to use to prevent the trigger or change your response. For example, you might close your office door and post a sign asking not to be interrupted. Or you may practice a polite but clear phrase you can say in response to an interruption, following a deep breath and a count to 10.
• Practice your alternative responses. It may make sense for you to address one trigger at a time. Write down your alternative response and post it in the location where the trigger typically occurs. If you often get triggered in traffic, for example, post it in your car. If you often get triggered in meetings, jot it down on your notepad to remind you.
• Embrace mistakes. Despite your best efforts, there will be times when you mess up. That’s inevitable. Don’t think of them as mistakes, but as opportunities. Use those experiences to learn more about yourself, to become even more self-aware and identify ways you might be better at self-regulation the next time. Maybe you need to try another alternative response. Maybe you need to think more about your triggers.
• Continue. Like every other aspect of emotional intelligence, this is an ongoing process. You will get better at it, yes. But you are never done learning and growing.
All human beings have impulses. Some are useful —others, not so much. Through self-awareness and self-regulation, we can learn to identify those impulses that are hurtful and work to replace them with something more helpful.