Self-awareness is, and always has been, the best starting point, and indispensable step towards self-development. But it is not the same as self-development. You cannot self-develop without self-awareness...but you can be self-aware without going the next important step towards self-development.
And most people, unfortunately, fall for this. They stop at self-awareness, and hope that by some miracle having the awareness of self will make all the difference.
It won't.
Over the last 20 years I have come across, participated in and studied dozens...if not hundreds, of self-awareness tools. Many of them are excellent. Some are so-so. Many, unfortunately, are absolutely unverified thumb-suck junk. Very few takes you past self-awareness towards self-development.
Working in organizations, companies and teams, I come across many who have done each and every self-awareness toll they could possibly find. As I mentioned, some are very good, and a necessary first step. Tools like Meyers-Briggs (MBTI), DISC, Keirsey, Jung Typology Test, Enneagram, VIA, and many others are well researched, tried and tested over decades. They really help in the discovery of your inner self, in many ways. But, seldom - if not never - have I seen consultants or coaches being able to take these tools and apply them towards real development of a person. Mostly, it is a "wow" experience, and people honestly finds it very interesting and even liberating to give words to what they know they are. But, after a while (and not too long, I must say), the feeling subsides and the results fades into a "so what" feeling.
Moving from Discovery towards Development
Moving from a process of discovery to a journey of development, is moving the science towards an art. Many people can understand and explain the science within an assessment. Very, very few are true artists who can take those results to a level that changes the way people act and interact in a sustainable manner.
I chose years ago to specialize in the use of the Clifton StrengthsFinder. I did this for a very specific reason: the StrengthsFinder was developed as a development tool, and not merely as a tool of awareness and discovery. Not that it does not do the latter! I found StrengthsFinder to be one of the most accurate discovery tools out there. But, it opens the door towards true development - something very few other tools do.
Move from Awareness towards Discovery with the CSF
Taking StrengthsFinder from a tool of awareness and discovery and applying it as a developmental tool for individuals and teams, acquires specific knowledge and skill. Anyone can read a couple of books and then unpack the content with someone else...calling it "coaching". Very few has the trained and experiential ability to go beyond the knowledge and help people develop in a meaningful way. Here are a couple of pointers, when it comes to the CSF and sustainable development:
- The CSF provides two reports: the Top 5 and the All 34. The Top 5 report only reveals your first 5 Talent Themes, and not the 29 that follows - for this you need the All 34 report. You are extremely restricted to do development with the Top 5 report. It is merely a great assessment towards discovery and awareness. Think about it: only seeing the Top 5 out of 34, is like going for a medical checkup and only allowing the doctor to examine your head. It reveals a lot, but not nearly enough in order to make a meaningful diagnosis. As a human being your are extremely complex in the interaction of your various Talents. Only seeing the Top 5 menas that you have very little to work with in a development journey.
- You need to acquire a lot more knowledge that merely the descriptions of each Talent Theme. I cringe when I see so many people selling themselves as "Strengths Coaches" only to read the paragraphs on the report that people can in any case read themselves. There is so much more towards each of the 34 Talent Themes, that you can spend a lifetime studying them. Each Talent Theme is so dynamic and rich in personal application, that I can honestly say that I have never found two people who experience a similar Talent Theme in exactly the same way. Understanding how to interpret and unpack this, takes years of ongoing study - not merely reading a couple of books on the subject.
- You need to understand and practice the art of understanding the dynamic interaction between the 34 Talents. This is where the CSF leaves all other assessments behind. No other assessment has so much inter-dynamics and unique combinations as the CSF has. This accentuates the uniqueness of each person, but it also unlocks true development of a person. Dynamic interaction between the patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving is a place where you can truly start to develop yourself - or someone else for that matter. Doing this is an artful skill. It goes much further than mere knowledge. It requires 10'000 hours of practice.
- Understanding and then managing who you are, is just as important as understanding and managing who you are not. You cannot simply focus on the Top 5 or 10 Talents, and expect that to make a difference. Yes, build on your strengths! But also embrace your weaknesses. This does not mean that you should try and fix your weaknesses or turn them into strengths. But you should understand why you are drained and weakened when you are engaged in certain situations where a specific pattern of thinking, feeling or behaving does not align at all with who you are. This then can lead to taking the needed steps and actions in order to move towards strengths development.
- A strength is a natural pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving, applied productively in a near perfect activity. Getting to that level is not achieved by merely being aware of who you are. Getting to that level is achieved by consistent hard work, focused within your natural energizing talent areas. In other words, it is a journey....sometimes a lifelong journey. You do not achieve a strengths based career, a strengths based team or a strengths based company by doing a couple of workshops guiding you towards mere knowledge of self and others. You need to apply this knowledge productively, effectively and above all consistently towards the achievement of a personal, team or organizational application within a specific context. Most people or organizations are not up to the task...not because it is difficult, but because it requires perseverance - something our current fast-fix culture knows little about. Maybe this is why most motivational and inspirational speakers are so busy, while those sticking to their guns to bring effective and lasting change are few and far between.
Distinguish between Fireworks and Space Shuttles.
My plea to all coaches and consultants out there is simple and clear: if you provide mere awareness enhancing activities and tools, then at least be honest about your intent and end product. Shoot up the fireworks, but don't promise the moon and stars.
And my plea to the professionals out there (CEO's, HR managers, OD professionals etc): if you are serious about lasting change, then don't opt for the "next best biggest and greatest tool of excitement".
Look back... How many times have you done this? What have you really achieved? Sticking to a process of development that builds on accurate and honest self awareness and discovery is the key towards real and sustainable change - that will lead to success and growth.
- Dries Lombaard
Director: Strategic Engagement at Strengths Institute South Africa